Fitting Tool for Impedance Analyzer Software (optional Add-In)
The Fitting Tool is an optional function supplied as an add-in to the standard measurement software.
The tool calculates series and parallel resonance frequency as well as frequencies of maximum and minimum impedance/admittance by fitting an idealized resonance function into measurement data, based on least square algorithm.
The following characteristic parameters are derived for Serial and Parallel Resonance frequency plots:
- fres = Resonance Frequency
- HVW = Half Value Width
- Q = Q-value (= fres / HVW)
- max = Height of peak
- min = Base line
The following characteristic parameters are derived for Resonance and Anti-Resonance frequency plots (= frequency plots of max/min impedance or admittance):
- fn = Frequency of min. impedance (max. admittance)
- |Z|min (|Y|max) = Min. impedance (max. adm.) value of the fit function
- fm = Frequency of max. impedance (min. admittance)
- |Z|max (|Y|min) = Max. impedance (min. adm.) value of the fit function
Implementation of automated fitting routines and related data processing is possible as part of our customized add-ins development services.
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